Prospective Members

If you are a professional who enjoys educating the public through public speaking, SAIFE might be for you.

SAIFE membership will help to put you in front of receptive and enthusiastic audiences with whom you can share your knowledge in your field of expertise.  Our primary purpose is to educate the general public and increase their knowledge and understanding of financial processes, health issues, rights, responsibilities and other essential areas of life.

Your presentation will not include any sales pitches or promote any products.  However, we have found that your status as an expert is likely to encourage audience members to consult with you, if you are willing, in your area of expertise on their own private matters.  Any one-on-one meetings you arrange are outside the scope of your work with SAIFE.

If you are approved for membership, your photograph, biography and contact information will be posted on the SAIFE website.  You may obtain business cards with the SAIFE logo and website and your name. 

Employers and other venues will find you on the site when you and other members refer them to SAIFE.

How to Become a Member

Fill out the Membership Application and mail it with your check to SAIFE, 601 South Glenoaks Boulevard., Suite 405, Burbank, CA 91502.  Send a good quality photograph to

You may qualify for membership using one of the following methods:
Submit a video or DVD of you giving a talk to SAIFE
Give a brief presentation to SAIFE’s board
Have a SAIFE board member or permanent member (active for at least 12 months) attend a talk you give
Put an excerpt of you giving a talk on YouTube or another accessible online venue where SAIFE board members can review it

Once you are approved, your photograph, biography and contact information will be posted on the SAIFE website.  You may obtain business cards with the SAIFE logo and website and your name and contact information at cost. 

SAIFE membership is $120 per year.